When you go buy parts from Napa, AutoZone, Checkers, Advance... and the guy behind the counter asks you "Is it a 4 wheel drive?" and you point out the window and reply "What do you think?"
You have noise reduction headsets attached to your rig as all conversation is impossible above 55 mph
when a kid pulls up next to you in a tuner car, tunes blairing and gives you a nod and thuimbs up 8)

or if you cancel your cable and give up tv so you can spend more time and money on your jeep :D
i have laughed my head off at this. sat here and read every one! :)

when you crease the fender flare going through the ditch in front of your house just to see if it would make it. THE DAY you bought it!
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When you sneak into the garage just before bed time to say goodnight to your Jeep
Re: Wanted for a 94 Wrangler:

::Starts swerving off to the right::
Sean: Puddle!
Mom: WHAT?!?
::mud and rocks fly all over windshield and hood::
Sean: Puddle.
Mom: Puddle??? That was a hole of mud!
Sean: No, it was a puddle.

And I'll tell ya, the look on her face was priceless... Love poorly maintained dirt roads.

ROTFL... LMAO :lol::grin::lol:
I lost count. What # are we on??

When you have names on all your jeeps ever just to differentiate them.

When you have a name for your jeep... You call it by that name and friends and family know what jeep name your talikng about, but you never told them the personal name of said jeep.

Whenever you get a new Jeep thats not lifted it feels like driving a GoKart.

When you go through snow chain control and can't help laughing when CalTrans worker asks if your lifted Jeep Wrangler is 4wd.

#347 (as best as I can tell)
The likelyhood of a breakdown is proprotionate to the distance we are from the nearest parts/service shop.
We can never predict the trajectory of a speeding dog
The parts shop has parts for every 4 wheel drive rig, except for the one we're driving.
As a rule, breakdowns owing to stupidity, never happen without an audience
You are not phased by the smell of raw fuel spewing out of a crushed fuel line, when you thought it was only coming from a busted clamp on the fuel filter.

Your Jeep spares fill the garage and the spare bedroom
if you cellar is the home for your soft top and tires and box's of jeep stuff equaling or more than anything else down there :D
when you "fix" your carb by banging on it with a hammer, then returning the hammer to its normal spot, beside the drivers seat on the floor.
#135? If you've ever had one of your doors fall off in a parking lot because your passenger didn't get it closed all the way! (knew i should have replaced those nuts on the door hinge bolts):roll:

If you have ever drove top and doors removed ,and heater on full blast. Ever used Rain Ex because your wipers didn't work or exist. had to wear goggles cause you rolled your new widshield. you no longer vacuum the inside,cause a hose is more efficient.